Jiaman (Lisa) Wu


Research Interests

I am passionate about leveraging cutting-edge AI methods to accelerate scientific progress in biology and medicine. Through cross-disciplinary collaborations among clinicians, biologists, and AI researchers, I aim to steer advancements in a direction that facilitates their translation into meaningful clinical impact and real-world healthcare improvements.


Ph.D. Student in Computer Science and Engineering

The Ohio State University

Co-advised by Prof. Yu Su and Prof. Wei-Lun (Harry) Chao

Columbus, OH, USA

M.S. in Computer Science and Engineering

University of California, San Diego

Advised by Prof. Jingbo Shang

La Jolla, CA, USA

B.S. in Computer Science, Minor in Mathematics

North Carolina State University

Summa Cum Laude

Raleigh, NC, USA


* denotes equal contributions and co-first authorship.

AAAI'25 Workshop and Challenge on Anomaly Detection in Scientific Domains

Student organizer


NSF HDR ML Challenge for Anomaly Detection

The lead student organizer from Imageomics

Website Paper Code

[CVPR’24] BioCLIP: A Vision Foundation Model for the Tree of Life

Authors: Samuel Stevens*, Jiaman Wu*, Matthew J. Thompson, Elizabeth G. Campolongo, Chan Hee Song, David E. Carlyn, Li Dong, Wasila M. Dahdul, Charles Stewart, Tanya Berger-Wolf, Wei-Lun Chao, Yu Su.

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.

Best Student Paper; Best Paper Finalist (top 0.2%).

Website Demo Paper Code Model Data

[CVPR’23 Workshop] SalsaBot: Towards a Robust and Generalizable Embodied Agent

Authors: Chan Hee Song*, Jiaman Wu*, Ju-Seung Byeon, Zexin Xu, Vardaan Pahuja, Goonmeet Bajaj, Samuel Stevens, Ziru Chen, Yu Su.

CVPR Embodied AI Workshop, 2023.

Workshop Paper Full Paper

[ICCV’23] LLM-Planner: Few-shot Grounded Planning for Embodied Agents with Large Language Models

Authors: Chan Hee Song, Jiaman Wu, Ju-Seung Byeon, Zexin Xu, Vardaan Pahuja, Goonmeet Bajaj, Samuel Stevens, Ziru Chen, Yu Su.

IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023.

Website Paper Code

[ACL’21] Sensei: Self-Supervised Sensor Name Segmentation

Authors: Jiaman Wu, Dezhi Hong, Rajesh Gupta, Jingbo Shang.

Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2021.

Paper Code

[EMNLP’20] SeNsER: Learning Cross-Building Sensor Metadata Tagger

Authors: Yang Jiao*, Jiacheng Li*, Jiaman Wu, Dezhi Hong, Rajesh Gupta, Jingbo Shang.

Findings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2020.

Paper Code